Let’s go green! This statement we hear more often from people who value environmental conservation and the green economy, as it is called. And going green is actually a good thing as it helps prevent life-threatening global warming. In some countries, you will find slogans, such as “cut one, plant two or three.” These are all meant to ensure that we leave the world a better place than we found it so that future generations can flourish. That said, plant care is one of the most critical aspects of ensuring a sustainable environment.

Taking Advantage of the Internet

Since its coming into being, the internet has blossomed into a fully-fledged world of its own. Clearly, it is an invention that is head-and-shoulders above other innovations. Ask it anything, and it will give you the answer; it never becomes tired of doing its work. So, how can we leverage the internet to ensure proper plant care? The internet offers a plethora of plant care apps.

If you type ‘plant care apps’ on a search engine such as Google, hundreds of results will come up. It will be upon you to scan through the first few pages to nail down the best app for that task. In your search, there are high chances that you will come across the Planta app, which is actually one of the best in the business.

Planta in Detail

With Planta, tending to your houseplants is easier than you can imagine. With straightforward plant care instructions, this app is your plant’s crown jewel. One thing you will like about this app is the plant care schedules and reminders it offers. These features ensure that no plant is forgotten when watering, repotting, misting, and fertilizing. And while this may sound somewhat silly (how can you dare forget to water your house plant after all!), if you have a dozen or so plants, it is easy to occasionally forget some care practices.

Having the Planta app also means that you don’t have to look elsewhere for a database to know what caring for each plant entails. The app boasts a massive database with all the helpful information you need for any particular plant in your house. The icing on the cake is the app’s Dr. Planta feature, which diagnoses any illness your house plants may have and recommends remedies. Plus, you can take a picture of any plant, and the app will name it for you.

Categories: Internet
